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Advanced WRKVLDL operations
WRKVLDL provides further functions if the Easy400.net utility MMAIL is installed.
1. Receiving login credentials by e-mail
A user can receive by e-mail all the credentials (usernames and passwords) related t6o any validation list entry created via WRKVLDL and carrying
his e-mail address.
This can be done by entering - on a 5250 green screen - command
WRKVLDL/GETCREDS EMAIL('e-mail_address')
2. How can you let a user change his password
You may use a special WRKVLDL WEB progtram to reset a user password and have the user defining his new password.This is how:
- In your WEB browser enter the following URL:
to receive the following screen:
Enter the validation list where the user is defined and press the go button. Example: |
- You receive the following screen:
Enter the username and press the go button. Example: |
- The program resets the user password without letting you know its value, and send an e-mail message to the e-mail address of the user.
Meanwhile the user receives an e-mail message as follow:
- When the user clicks the link "Set new password", the following page shows up on his Internet browser:
3. Fixing old WRKVLDL validation list entries
Validation lists entries, created by WRKVLDL before than command WRKVLDL/GETCREDS eas available, are missing some data, such as the person e-mail address.
You can add missing data by running command
WRKVLDL/FIXVLDL VLDL(validation list library/name)
It allows you to go through the validation list entries and to add the person names and their e-mail addresses.