1. Work with validation list entries
If needed, start the HTTP instance WRKVLDL, then on your Internet browser enter the following URL:
The screen in Figure 5 appears.
If, after entering the validation list name and its library name (see Figure 6), you press the work with button, the screen in Figure 7 appears.
Figure 5 - Initial screen |
Figure 6 - Start working with a validation list |
Figure 7 - Work with entries |
- The small home icon on the left takes you back to the screen in Figure 5.
- The mall list icon on the right displays the entries of the validation list.
- Each radio button, when clicked, displays some controls on its right side,
see for instance Figure 8.
2. Add an entry
Click the radio button "New" in Figure 7:
Note 1 - The user name is case sensitive!!! (We suggest to use only lowercase letters)
Note 2 - The e-mail address is used to mail back credentials to the appropriate person (see command WRKVLDL/GETCREDS).
A feedback messages informs about the result from this request. Example:
3. Update an entry
To update an entry
- The user name, the current password, the person name and the e-mail address must always be specified
- Enter a new password only if you want to change it
Figure 9 - Update an entry |
4. Reset an entry
You cannot use the update function to change an user password if you do not know its current password.
If also the user does not recall his password, either you delete and re-create that entry, or jou reset it.
When you reset an entry, a new password is automatically assigned by the program.
Figure 10 - Reset an entry
- WRKVLDL is easier to be used and requires less setup time than *ADMIN.
- WRKVLDL is more secure than *ADMIN. Infact, while WRKVLDL requires the user to type the current password for updating
a validation list entry, *ADMIN does not.
- However, WRKVLDL cannot update a validation entry previously created/updated through *ADMIN, as it
cannot retrieve its current password and compare it with the one entered by the user.
6. WRKVLDL on green screen
This Work with Validation List Entries facility is also available for 5250 green screen workstation
using command WRKVLDL/WRKVLDL .