Through SECTCP you may also collect and display the access and error logs of an HTTP instance of your choice.
The access logs are filtered: log entries - regarding access to style sheets and graphic items (such as GIF's, JPEG's etc.)
or regarding accesses performed by search engine robots - are disregarded, so that only the real user transactions are
Log entry layout must be declared through an HTTP configuration directive similar or compatible with this one:
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common
The command used to collect the HTTP log is
This command allows to collect all the daily HTTP logs not yet collected.
- This command is implicitely run when press the Enter key from the screen in Figure 26
- You may also add the following scheduled job entry:
The following tells how you can process and display the HTTP logs.
Go to the screen "Display logs" in Figure 11
and take Option 1 (HTTP Web log) or Option 2 (Http Error log).
The two options are very similar, so let us assume that you selected Option 1 (HTTP Web log).
The following screen is displayed:
Figure 26 - Defining the HTTP log source |
- In "path to the Apache HTTP logs" enter the IFS path of the directory containing both the access and the error log.
- in "name of the HTTP access log" enter the initial part of the name of the access log stream files (the part up to and
excluding the date qualifier .Q1yymmddnn )
- in "name of the HTTP error log" enter the initial part of the name of the error log stream files (up to and excluding
the date qualifier .Q1yymmddnn )
As soon as you press the Enter key, you are displayed a screen requesting to specify the name of a multimember database file
in library SECTCPDATA. This file for each day will have a member containing the converted access log of that day.
If the file named by you does not yet exist, it is automatically created in library SECTCPDATA.
New members are created automatically as needed. Members older than one month are automatically deleted.
Figure 28 - Example of name for the converted access log |
(press next page to continue)