A |
AddHyper(), add hyperlinks to a stream file | | | |
AFP to PDF transform, i5 - | | | |
AFPTOOL, spool-to-pdf conversion command | | | |
API's, examples of using system - | | | |
Archiving outbound e-mail messages | | | |
Automated e-mailing of PDF's | | | |
Automated e-mailing of spool files | | | |
B |
Bibliography | | | |
C |
CGI support | | | |
ChkIfs(), check whether an IFS file exists | | | |
CL program, EML... commands in a - | | | |
Cloning the MMAIL library | | | |
Coding examples | | | |
Commands (MMAIL) | | | |
Commands, mime FILE - | | | |
Commands, miscellaneous - | | | |
Commands, setup - | | | |
COMPILE setup command (Recreate modules and programs) | | | |
Conversion tool, spool to PDF default - | | | |
Convert a stream file to another CCSID | | | |
Converting spool files to PDF's | | | |
CPYSPLFPDF, spool-to-pdf conversion command | | | |
CREATEIPDF, spool-to-pdf conversion command | | | |
CRTCMDS setup command (Recreate commands) | | | |
CRTMIME command (Create a MIME file) | | | |
CRTMSRVPGM setup command (Create SENDMAIL *srvpgm) | | | |
CRTPNLS setup command (Recreate panel groups) | | | |
CrtWrkF(), create an ASCII work stream file | | | |
Customized e-mail message, example of - | | | |
CVTFRMB64, command to decode a BASE64 stream file | | | |
CVTSPLFPDF, spool-to-pdf conversion command | | | |
CVTSPLSTMF, spool-to-pdf conversion command | | | |
CVTTOB64, command to encode a stream file to BASE64 | | | |
CVTTOPDF, command to run the default spool-to-pdf conversion utility | | | |
D |
Debug command, Enhanced - (EDBG) | | | |
Default message body for EML... commands | | | |
DFTSICON command (Default Subject Icon) | | | |
Distribution lists, work with - | | | |
DSPPROP command (Display message properties) | | | |
Duplicating a MMAIL installation to other systems | | | |
DUPMMAIL setup command (Duplicate MMAIL library) | | | |
E |
E-mail address validation | | | |
E-mail save files | | | |
E-mail simple message | | | |
E-mail source members | | | |
E-mail spool files | | | |
E-mail stream files | | | |
Easy400.net home page | | | |
EDBG command, Enhanced Debug | | | |
EMBEDSPLF command, Embed a spooled file into a message body | | | |
EML... commands in a CL program | | | |
EML... commands, default message body for - | | | |
EMLDFTBODY setup command (Dft body text for EML... commands) | | | |
EMLHTML command (E-mail HTML files) | | | |
EMLHTML2 command (E-mail HTML file with attach.s) | | | |
EMLMSG command (E-mail simple message) | | | |
EMLNOTE command (E-mail a note) | | | |
EMLPTUMSG command (E-mail impromptu message) | | | |
EMLQPMSG command (E-mail Quoted-Printable impromptu message) | | | |
EMLSAVF command (E-mail save files) | | | |
EMLSMPTEMM command (E-mail impromptu msg with attach.s) | | | |
EMLSPL command (E-mail spool files) | | | |
EMLSPLX command (E-mail spool files) | | | |
EMLSPL2 command (E-mail spool files) | | | |
EMLSPL3 command (E-mail spool files) | | | |
EMLSRCM command (E-mail source members) | | | |
EMLSTMF command (E-mail stream files) | | | |
EMLTXTSTMF command (E-mail text file with attach.s) | | | |
ENBSPLFACT command (Enable Spooled File Actions) | | | |
ENDEMLSPLF command (End E-Mailing Spool Files) | | | |
ENDMONIFS command (End Monitoring IFS) | | | |
Enhanced Debug command, EDBG | | | |
Example of customized e-mail message | | | |
Examples, coding - | | | |
Exit points (for some SendMail *srvpgm exported procedures) | | | |
F |
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) | | | |
Frequently asked questions | | | |
G |
General considerations on trouble shooting | | | |
GetDftCharset(), retrieve the default Character set | | | |
H |
HTTPCFG setup command (MMAIL HTTP directives) | | | |
I |
Infoprint Server | | | |
Information about the last sent e-mail message | | | |
Installation, MMAIL - | | | |
INSTALLZIP setup command (Install ZIP/UNZIP QPASE&QSHELL) | | | |
Introduction, MMAIL - | | | |
IPDF (creation of PDF documents on the iSeries) | | | |
IPDFCMDPRO command ( CREATEIPDF prototypes) | | | |
I5 OS AFP to PDF transform | | | |
L |
Last sent e-mail message, Information about the - | | | |
Logging messages | | | |
M |
Main utilities | | | |
Manage spool files | | | |
Merge job spool files | | | |
Message building procedures - Reference tables | | | |
Message logging | | | |
MIME file commands | | | |
MIME files | | | |
MimeBldF(), create an empty MIME file | | | |
MimeClose(), close a MIME file | | | |
MimeCpyTxt(), embed an IFS text stream file | | | |
MimeCrtF(), create an empty MIME file | | | |
MimeDistr(), add distribution headers | | | |
MimeImbAtt(), embed -or attach a message part | | | |
MimeImbDbf(), embed or attach a database file | | | |
MimeImbHtml(), embed a HTML stream file | | | |
MimeImbNul(), embed a null body | | | |
MimeImbSpl(), embed or attach a spool file | | | |
MimeImbSrc(), embed or attach a source member | | | |
MimeImbTxtF(), embed a text stream file | | | |
MimeImpo(), append the importance header | | | |
MIMEMENU command (MIME files Menu) | | | |
MimeMultip(), append the Content-Type: MULTIPART/MIXED; BOUNDARY:"... | | | |
MimeNotif(), add the Disposition Notification header | | | |
MimeNullBody(), embed a null body | | | |
MimePrio(), append the priority header | | | |
MimeRpyTo(), add the Reply-to header | | | |
MimeRtnPth(), add Return-path header | | | |
MimeSender(), add the Sender header | | | |
MimeSens(), append the sensitivity header | | | |
MimeSplPdf(), convert a spool file to PDF and attach it | | | |
MimeStrBody(), start a message body | | | |
MimeSubj(), append the subject header | | | |
MimeUpdTxt(), customize a stream file and append it to a message file | | | |
MimeVarTxt(), customize a template stream file | | | |
Miscellaneous commands | | | |
MMAIL installation | | | |
MMAIL prerequisites | | | |
MMAILWTR, command to keep MMAIL writer active | | | |
MNGSPLF command (Manage spool files) | | | |
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions | | | |
N |
NORLSINFO setup command (Stop warning for a new release) | | | |
NOSUBJECT setup command (Set dft for missing subject) | | | |
P |
PDF, converting spool file to - | | | |
PDF, spool to - default conversion tool | | | |
PDF's, automated emailing of - | | | |
POSTANOTE command (Post an E-mail note) | | | |
Prerequisites, MMAIL - | | | |
Procedures of SendMail service program | | | |
Procedures to complete and to send a MIME file | | | |
Procedures to create the "body" of a MIME file | | | |
Procedures, miscellaneous | | | |
Q |
QTMHHTP1 setup command (QTMHHTTP&QTMHHTP1 authorities) | | | |
QtmmSendMail API | | | |
Questions, frequenly asked - | | | |
R |
READDIR command (Read directory) | | | |
REBIND setup command (Rebind MMAIL programs) | | | |
RELEASED command (Info about MMAIL release) | | | |
Resend failed e-mail messages | | | |
RtvDftCsid(), retrieve default CCSID | | | |
RtvExeEnv(), retrieve execution environment | | | |
RtvObjLib(), retrieve object library | | | |
RtvSplFA(), retrieve spooled file attributes | | | |
RtvSplFTit(), retrieve spooled file title | | | |
RTVSTMF command (Retrieve stream files) | | | |
S |
Sample code | | | |
Save files, e-mail - | | | |
Send a MIME file | | | |
SendMail service program | | | |
SendMail(), mail the complete MIME file | | | |
Service program | | | |
Service program, SendMail - | | | |
SETCGILIB setup command (Enable CGI lib. for MIME&Mail) | | | |
SETCONFID setup command (Company-confidential statement) | | | |
SETEMDELAY setup command (Delay between 2 outgoing mails) | | | |
SetJobCsid(), set job CCSID | | | |
SETMAILLIB setup command (Enable lib. for MMAIL dev.) | | | |
SETMSGLVL setup command (Set MMAIL message level) | | | |
SETSPLFPDF command (Set command CVTSPLFPDF options) | | | |
SETSPLFPDF command (Set command CVTSPLFPDF options) | | | |
SETSPLSTMF command (Set command CVTSPLSTMF options) | | | |
Setup commands | | | |
Simple message, e-mail a - | | | |
SMS facility | | | |
SMTP attributes change in V7R1 | | | |
SNDMIME command (Send a MIME file9 | | | |
SNDSMPTEMM command (Send SMTP E-mail Message) | | | |
Source members, e-mail - | | | |
SPLFTOPDF command (Convert spool file to pdf) | | | |
SPLPDFCVT command (SPL-to-PDF conversion param.s) | | | |
Spool files, automated emailing of - | | | |
Spool files, converting - to PDFs | | | |
Spool files, e-mail - | | | |
Spool files, merge - | | | |
Spool to PDF default conversion tool | | | |
Spooled File Actions | | | |
StgToIfs(), write a text string to an IFS stream file | | | |
STMFCVT command (Convert a stream file) | | | |
Stream files, e-mail - | | | |
STREMLSPLF command (Start E-Mailing Spool Files) | | | |
STRMONIFS command (Start Monitoring IFS) | | | |
Subject icons | | | |
System API's, examples of using - | | | |
T |
TempCrtF(), create an empty "temporary" IFS file | | | |
TESTEMAILA setup command (Test an e-mail address) | | | |
TIMEZFMT setup command (Select time zone format) | | | |
Timezone setup | | | |
Trouble shooting | | | |
U |
UNZIP command (Unzip a stream file) | | | |
UPDEXITP command, Update MMAIL Exit Points | | | |
UPDMMLIB setup command (Update a MMAIL cloned library) | | | |
V |
Validation of e-mail addresses | | | |
VldEmail(), validate e-mail address | | | |
VLDEMLADDR setup command (Validate e-mail addresses?) | | | |
V7R1, SMTP attributes change | | | |
W |
WEB utilities | | | |
Windows utility | | | |
WRKADDR setup command (Work with Address Book) | | | |
WRKDSTL | | | |
WRKEMLPDF command (PDF e-mail directories) | | | |
WRKGRP setup command (Work with Groups) | | | |
WRKMDTBC command (Work with Mandatory Blank Copies) | | | |
WRKMIME command (Work w/ documented MIME files) | | | |
WRKSPLF, WEB utility | | | |
WRKSPLFACT command (Work with Spooled File Action) | | | |
WRKUSREML command (USRPRFs e-mail addresses) | | | |
WRKWTR, WEB utility | | | |
Z |
ZIP command (Zip stream files) | | | |
5 |
5250 utility | | | |