Message building procedures - Reference tables
1. Message structure
2. Message headers procedures
TempCrtF mandatory -Create a temporary stream file to contain the MIME message
MimeSender mandatory -Add the "Sender:" header
MimeRpyTo optional -Add the "Reply-to:" header
MimeRtnPth optional -Add the "Return-path:" header
MimeNotif optional -Add the "Disposition-Notification-To:" header
MimeDistrib mandatory -Add the "To:", "Cc:", and "Bc:" headers
MimeSubj mandatory -Add the "Subject:" header
MimeImpo optional -Add the "Importance:" header
MimePrio optional -Add the "Priority:" header
MimeSens optional -Add the "Sensitivity:" header
MimeMultiP mandatory -Add the "Content-Type: MULTIPART/MIXED" header
along with the boundary definition
3. Body building procedures
MimeImbNul -Used to create an empty body
-Attachments can then be added.
MimeImbTxtF -Embed a text stream file as main message body.
Never use with subprocedure MimeStrBody
MimeStrBody -Used to start a body before using
subprocedures MimeCpyTxt or MimeVarTxt
MimeCpyTxt -Used to embed into the body an existing stream file
MimeVarTxt -Used to embed into the body an existing stream file
while substituting text variables
MimeImbAtt -Used to create a body starting from an existing stream file.
Should not be used with MimeStrBody,
because they both create the start of a body.
MimeImbSpl -Used to create a body starting from an existing spool file.
The spool file should not be converted to PDF
when it goes into the body.
Should not be used with MimeStrBody,
because they both create the start of a body.
MimeImbSrc -Used to create a body starting from an existing source member.
Should not be used with MimeStrBody,
because they both create the start of a body.
MimeImbDBF -Used to create a body starting from an existing database file.
Should not be used with MimeStrBody,
because they both create the start of a body.
4. Procedures to create attachments
MimeImbAtt -Create an attachment starting from an existing stream file.
MimeImbSpl -Used to create a body starting from an existing spool file.
The spool file can be converted to PDF
when it goes into an attachment.
MimeSplPdf -Convert a spool file to PDF and generate an attachment.
MimeImbSrc -Used to create a body starting from an existing source member.
MimeImbDBF -Used to create a body starting from an existing database file.
5. Procedure to end a MIME message
MimeClose mandatory -Add a closing boundary delimiter
6. Procedure to send a MIME message
SendMail mandatory Send a MIME message