The VTRSAV utility features a single command, vrtSavsys that allows to
- save important sections of the system on a virtual tape
- transfer the save on virtual tape (the image catalog connected to it) to a remote system via FTP
- backup the save on a real tape drive of the remote system
Of course, if your system is equipped with a real tape drive, you do not need steps b) and c), you may just need step a).
We shall discuss first the transfer, then the save, though they do occur in the opposite order.
- Transferring a save to a remote system
How to transmit to another system a save stored on a virtual tape
- Performing a save to a virtual tape
A command performing multiple saves on a virtual tape
- Customizing save command parameters
How to set your options for the multiple save command
- Displaying the save contents of a virtual tape
- Backing up virtual tape volumes to real tape volumes
31-Transferring virtual tape volumes to a remote system
The VTRSAV utility includes a command, named TfrVrtDta, that allows to transfer virtual tape volumes (usually containing a save) to a remote system.
This command, in order to operate, has two requirements:
- The source system (the one where the save has been performed) must know something about the remote system intended to receive the save
- The remote system (or target system, the one intended to receive the save) must have defined a virtual tape exactly the same
(same name, same image catalog, only the resource name of the virtual tape device can be different) as it is defined on the source system.
This can be easily done by installing the VRTSAV utility also on the target system and by replicating the setup done on the source system.
There are 3 commands dealing with the transfer:
- To define, on the source system, the information needed for the target system, you must execute
command DFNRMTSYS:
You need to type:
- the IP address of the remote (target) system, or *NONE if you do not want to user the "transfer save" facility
- the name of a user profile, and
- its password (you are also requested to confirm the password)
- the name of the real tape drive on the remote system that will be used to backup the transferred saves,
or *NONE if you do not want to backup on tape the transferred tapes
- the tape density that will be used on backup operations
- the device end option
- an optional command that you want be executed on the remote system at the end of the transfer activity.
These data are used by command TfrVrtDta when starting a FTP session to the remote system.
- Command vrtsav/TFRVRTDTA
This command starts a FTP session to the remote system. During this session it transfers the save image into the virtual tape drive of the remote system
having the same name and the same image catalog as the source virtual tape drive, and,
if requested so, duplicates to real tape volumes the virtual volumes containing the save.
If you use command vrtSavsys you do not need to launch the TfrVrtDta command, because that can be requested from the command vrtSavsys
You may want to use command TfrVrtDta, either manually or within a program, to transfer to the remote system a save performed without command vrtSavsys.
Command TfrVrtDta looks as follow:
You must tell
- The name of the virtual tape where the save was stored.
- Whether the FTP Extended Passive Mode (parameter NOEPSV) should be inhibited during data transfer.
NOEPSV(*YES) is recommended when you find that the FTP session was dropped during data transfer.
- Whether the save, once transferred to the remote system, should be copied to real tape volumes.
If command TfrVrtDta is executed in an interactive session, it submits a a batch job.
- Command vrtsav/TFRDSPLOG
Use this command to display - on the source system - the FTP log generated by the FTP session started from command TfrVrtDta.
This command, due to its refresh capabilities, can be used even while the transfer is active.
32-Performing a save to a virtual tape
Performing a save of whatever type (commands SAVSYS, SAVLIB, SAVOBJ, SAV, etc.) to a virtual tape is no problem.
Do the following:
- Make sure that the virtual tape device is online and that the appropriate image catalog is loaded into it.
You can do that by running command
- Run the save command, as an example
SAVLIB LIB(QGPL) DEV(virtual_tape_device_name)
- If you want to send the image to the remote system (and optionally copy it to real tape), run command
To help you further with save operations, this VRTSAV utility features a special command, named VrtSavSys aimed to fit most common save needs, to optionally
request the transfer of the save to a remote system, and to optionally copy the save to a remote real tape drive.
Command vrtsav/VRTSAVSYS:
- Virtual tape device (DEV)
Name of the virtual device (defined via command VRTSAV/WRKVRTTAP) to be used for the save operation.
Use *LAST to refer to the virtual tape device already used in the last VRTSAVSYS save, if any.
- Save all (SAVALL)
Type one of the following:
- *YES to save all the following system sections
- *NO to display the list of the system sections that can be saved.
- Save User Libraries (SAVLIBS)
Type one of the following:
- *YES to save all the user libraries (same as command SAVLIB LIB(*ALLUSR))
- *NO to skip this save step.
- Save Integrated File System (SAVIFS)
Type one of the following:
- *YES to save all the IFS directories
- *NO to skip this save step.
- Save Document Library Objects (SAVDLO)
Type one of the following:
- *YES to save all the document library objects (same as command SAVDLO)
- *NO to skip this save step.
- Save Configuration Data (SAVCFG)
Type one of the following:
- *YES to save all the configuration data (same as command SAVCFG)
- *NO to skip this save step.
- Save Security Data (SAVSEC)
Type one of the following:
- *YES to save all the security data (same as command SAVSEC)
- *NO to skip this save step.
- Transfer data to remote system (TFRVRTDTA)
Type one of the following:
- *NO to skip the FTP transfer step. The transfer to a remote system can be started later on via command VRTSAV/TFRVRTDTA.
- *YES to transfer via FTP the virtual tape data to the user specified remote system.
The transfer takes place via a FTP session initiated from a TFRVRTDTA issued from the program as soon as the saves have been completed.
Command TFRDSPLOG may be used to browse the log of the FTP session.
- The remote system receiving a copy of the virtual tape data must have been defined through command DFNRMTSYS (Define the remote system).
- On the remote system a virtual tape unit with the same name and the same tape volumes must have been defined through
commands WRKVRTTAP (Work with virtual tapes) and WRKIMG (Work with image catalogs).
- Duplicate tape volumes (DUPTAP)
Type one of the following:
- *YES to have the virtual tape volumes duplicated to real tape volumes once the transfer to the remote system is complete
- *NO to skip this step. The virtual tape volumes transferred to the remote system can be duplicated later on to real tape volumes
through a DUPTAP command entered manually.
If command vrtSavsys is executed in an interactive session, it submits a a batch job.
33-Customizing save command parameters
Command vrtsav/VRTSAVSYS, when performing its save commands (SAVLIB, SAV, SAVDLO, SAVCFG and SAVSECDTA) does use the command default parameters.
For some of these commands, you may want to change the values of given parameters. This section tells how you can do it.
Command wrkSavParm allows to store, for each of the supported save commands, your desired parameter values.
This is how
Command vrtsav/WRKSAVPARM shows up:
Select the save comand you want to work with and press Enter.
The currently customized parameters are shown:
Press F4 to prompt the SAVLIB command:
Set the SAVLIB parameters according to your need and press Enter.
You go back to this screen:
Press F13 to store your new parameters and to return to the initial screen of comand vrtsav/WRKSAVPARM (Figure 3d).
34-Displaying the save contents of a virtual tape
Operate in this way:
- Use the following command to load the image catalog into the virtual tape device and to vary online the virtual tape device:
vrtsav/VRYTAPON DEV(virtual_device_name)
- Use the following command to display the save contents of a virtual tape:
DSPTAP DEV(virtual_tape_device_name) DATA(*SAVRST)
35-Backing up virtual tape volumes to real tape volumes
Operate in this way:
- Use the following command to load the image catalog into the virtual tape device and to vary online the virtual tape device:
vrtsav/VRYTAPON DEV(virtual_device_name)
- Use the following command to duplicate virtual tape volumes to real tape volumes:
DUPTAP DEV(virtual_tape_device_name) TODEV(real_tape_device_name)
Note that you may use command
vrtsav/TFRVRTDTA FROMDEV(virtual_tape_device_name) DUPTAP(*YES)
to transfer a virtual tape to a remote system and back it up on a real tape volume.