Filtering out selected detail daily access log entries
When you use SECTCP tools to display daily HTTP access log entries, the related SECTCP programs provide some basic filtering out,
such as dropping entries related to
- image or CSS files
- client IP addresses locally documented as search engines (robots) in file SECTCPDATA/ROBOTSIPS.
Should you want to add more filtering out, you may write a local exit program.
This exit program can reside in any library, except library SECTCP. Library SECTCPDATA is recommended.
An example program is available, SECTCPDATA/FLTHTTPLR.
Its source is in member FLTHTTPLR of source file SECTCP/QRPGLESRC.
To activate your filtering-out exit program, you must use command SECTCP/HTTPLOGFLT:
Filter-out HTTP log entries (HTTPLOGFLT)
Type choices, press Enter.
Filter HTTP log entries . . . . FLTOPT Y Y, N
Filtering program . . . . . . . FLTPGM FLTHTTPLR Name
Library . . . . . . . . . . . SECTCPDATA Name
Figure 33 - Command SECTCP/HTTPLOGFLT |
- Filter HTTP log entries (FLTOPT) - Whether the filtering-out program - specified in parameter FLTPGM - must be activated. Type:
- Y (Yes) to activate the filtering-out program
- N (No) to disable the filtering-out program.
- Filtering program (FLTOPT) - Qualified name of your filtering-out program.
Of course you can try the SECTCP provided sample program SECTCPDATA/HTTPLOGFLT.
The program library cannot be SECTCP.