Test your http server functionality for CGIs

This html is intended to test your http server for CGI support.
Enter your first and last names below, and press the Send button.

Your first name
Your last name

Then, take a look at what happens.
  1. program /cgidev2p/hello1.pgm responds, providing
    • your first name
    • your last name
    • the current release of your OS/400
    then your http server is all right.

  2. program /cgidev2p/hello1.pgm responds, but does not provide one of the following
    • your first name
    • your last name
    then your http server is missing some PTsF for the QtmhCvtDb API.
    Check page Tips for installation on your AS/400 to get a list of minimum PTF requirements.

  3. program /cgidev2p/hello1.pgm does not respond,
    that is,you get one of the following messages
    • (from Netscape navigator)
      Error 500
      Bad script request -- script '/QSYS.LIB/CGIDEV.LIB/hello1.pgm' not found or not executable
    • (from Microsoft Internet Explorer 5)
      The page cannot be displayed
      HTTP Error 500 - Internal server error
    then one of the following may have occurred:
    • your http server is missing some PTF which enables CGI execution:
      make sure to have installed the last PTF cumulative for the HTTP server.
    • program hello1 fails sending an HTML response to the browser.
      To verify if this is the case:
      1. dsppfm cgidev2/cgidebug
      2. go to the bottom of the file and check whether the following messages are displayed:
        WrtSection: Section TOP not found.
        WrtSection: Section END not found.
      If you see such messages, this means that the service program cgisrvpgm2 is not able to find HTML sections <as400>top and <as400>end in HTML source member HELLO1 in file CGIDEV2/DEMOHTML.
      This may happen when system value QCCSID is 65535. System value QCCSID 65535 inhibits character conversions from one CCSID to another CCSID.
      If that happens, you are quite recommended to
      • replace the QCCSID system value with the default CCSID that you see on page 3 of command
      • restart the HTTP server instance.