Though the installation process
of this library is usually of no concern,
and the adding of the http directives to your
default http server is automated during the installation process,
there might be customer cases where attempts to run
our CGIs result into some failures.
We recommend that you run the test provided
by page
Test your http server functionality for CGIs
to check out the status of your http server.
Some tips
- If your http server is found not to respond appropriately,
most likely your OS/400
is missing some PTF(s).
The question would then be
which PTFs am I missing?
The name of the game is:
install the latest PTF cumulative
for product 5769DG1,
IBM HTTP Server for AS/400.
- Check out your AS/400
QCCSID sysval.
If it is 65535, we recommend to
change it to the appropriate one
for your country (e.g. 37 for U.S., 280 for Italy).
That has no impact to your existing applications,
unless you run some application which explicitely requires CCSID 65535.
If you leave system value QCCSID at 65535, CGIDEV2 will suffer from the following troubles:
- wrong character conversions in the output HTML
(for instance: JavaScript functions will not work)
- wrong character conversions for the data
inputted from the client
(characters like
| ! £ & @ § # would be badly converted).
Should you however need to keep 65535 for QCCSIS system value,
please read carefully FAQ#1,
which suggests an alternate solution.