If you have installed
- library CGIDEV2 (ILE-RPG CGI Development Toolkit, the version available from www.easy400.net )
- the XLPARSE2 HTTP instance
then you may run the following sample CGI programs:
1- Upload a PC XLS/XLSX file and run command XLSTABLE or XLSTABLE2 from it.
This is program XLPARSE2/UPLANDRUN. It can be executed by entering the following URL in the location bar of your browser:
- yourSystemItcpAddress is the TCP address of your IBM System i
The initial screen requires the following input:
- Path and name of your PC file to be uploaded (a browse button is available for that)
- Some XLSTABLE / XLSTABLE2 command parameters:
- the number of the sheet to be processed
- the number of heading lines to be skipped
- the date format
- the numbers of the columns containing date values
- the time format
- the numbers of the columns containing time values
- the name of the target database file, the name of its library and the name of its member
- whether the target database file should be (re)created
- whether records should be added to or replaced in the target database file member.
A batch job is submitted to execute the XLSTABLE / XLSTABLE2 command.
You are then enabled to inquiry about the status of the submitted batch job
and to display its joblog if something went wrong.