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Creating a repository
 Using a repository
An example

Using a repository

To use a repository, enter command PLCHECKUP/PLCHECK and press F4 to prompt it:
                    Work with PLCHECKUP repository (PLCHECK)                    
 Type choices, press Enter.                                                     
 Repository library . . . . . . . TOLIB       WORK          Name             

Figure 4 - Command PLCHECKUP/PLCHECK

In parameter tolib enter the name of a library containing a repository and press the Enter key.

You are then displayed the repository menu
(in the following example, the library documented in the repository is library CGIWRKFBF):
 CGIWRKDBF         Work with PLCHECKUP repository (PLCHECK)             S655D66B
 Program library                                                                
  name . . .  CGIWRKDBF                                                         
  text . . .  G.B. Perotti - WRKDBF in CGI mode                                 
 Select one of the following:                                                   
      1. Program modules                                                        
      2. Programs                                                               
      3. Service programs                                                       
      4. Files
 F3=End  F10=Command entry  F12=Cancel

Figure 5 - Repository menu

From this menu you can start navigating through a number of screens that provide documentation about your application program library:

  • Program modules
  • Where used of a given program module in programs
  • Procedures used by a given program module
  • Programs
  • Modules of a given program
  • Service programs used by a given program
  • Files accessed by a given program
  • Programs called by a given program
  • Programs calling a given program
  • Service programs
  • Procedures of a given service program
  • Programs bound to a given service program
  • Modules of a given service program
  • Procedures exported from a service program module
  • Where used of a procedure in program modules
  • Files
  • Where used of a given file in programs
  • Triggers defined over a physical file
  • Record formats of a given file
  • Fields in a given record format
  • Properties of a given record format field

Whenever possible, options to browse or update a source member are available.

Command entry display is available from all screens.