We suggest the following path to master the development of a CGI program providing a line chart.
After installing library GRAPHIT, have a look at the ILE-RPG CGI programs mentioned hereafter
and you will soon know what to do for your own CGI programs.
Press this link to display a static page showing a line chart
(the same showed at the bottom of this page).
By displaying the source of that page one would start understanding how the line chart is implemented.
Please note the following javascript statement: var myLine= new Chart(document. getElementById("canvas") .getContext("2d")) .Line(chartData);
The piece establishing the type of chart is the Line qualifier.
As next step, you would like to develop a very simple CGI program which does show the same static page.
CGI program linecgi does exactly that.
CGI program sales generates a line chart from three database file members.
CGI program yrdata generates a line chart from your manual input.