FUPLOAD4 - Another extension to FUPLOAD2
This utility uploads PC files into pre-defined IFS target directories of the IBM i.
The target IFS directories are defined in the database file FUPLOADDT/TGTDIR.
This file defines which are the target (upload) IBM i directories for given user names.
You must use DFU to maintain records of this file.
The record format is made of two fields:
- User name - The HTTP validated user name given to access this program (see topic Protection).
Note 1. If the access to FUPLOAD4 is validated through a validation list, this user name must be case sensitive and must provide the same characters
used for the user name in the validation list.
If the to FUPLOAD4 is validated through system user profiles, then this user name must be uppercase.
Note 2. This file contains a record with user name *DFT.
The related target IFS directory is used when the user name does not match any other record of this file.
- Target IFS directory specified for this user name.
If no protection (user validation) is provided, the user name is defaulted to *DFT.
The record initially provided in database file FUPLOADDT/TGTDIR for user name *DFT specifies target IFS directory /tmp.
Also program FUPLOAD4
- is based on service program FUPLOAD/FUPSRVPGM2
- can take advantage of the validation features provided by commands FUPLOAD/UPDALWEXT and FUPLOAD/UPDEXITP .
To invoke the FUPLOAD4 program:
- If you installed the Apache HTTP directives to run FUPLOAD, enter the following in the location line of your browser:
The next figures show the way the program is used:
| Figure 1- FUPLOAD4 initial screen |
| Figure 2- File uploaded by FUPLOAD4 |