CVT101 CHANGE LOG 2021-05-17 - Fixed procedure EncB64Stmf() in service program CVT101/CVT101 in handling the last 3-byte truncated chunk. 2020-08-03 - The Change Log can now be displayed as an HTML page from the online manual. 2020-04-22 - Small non-critical change to pgm BASE64DEC (increased diagnostics on an error message). 2020-02-05 - Added command DSPSTMF (Display stream file). - Command DECB64STOF now supports two options for detecting the BASE64 string within a stream file: -- Specify string start position and length -- Specify string start and end delimiters plus string instance number. 2020-02-04 - Fixed pgm DECB64STOF (was reading for an incorrect length). 2020-02-03 - New command DECB64STOF decodes a BASE64 string - existing inside a stream file - into another stream file. 2019-07-10 - Created program BASE64DEC which was missing. Added commands ADDCRLFS/RMVCRLFS to add/remove CarriageRLineFeed (CRLF) to/from an ASCII file. Added command TESTCRLFS to test the above commands. 2019-04-24 - Added support for Base64 - Online manual completely rewritten. 2011-03-28 - Fixed a potential bug (command cpy ...) in module XXXCVTSTMF. - Fixed subprocedure CvtStg in module XXXCVTSTG.