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Execute a user-specified CL command
using DoCmd subprocedure
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Sabato 01 Marzo
This subprocedure allows an RPG-ILE program to run a CL command.

 * Variables common to all CGIs
 /copy mysrclib/qrpglesrc,prototypeb
 /copy mysrclib/qrpglesrc,usec
 /copy mysrclib/qrpglesrc,variables(1, or 2, or 3)
 *          ... etc. ...
 * Override database file CTRDVY
C                   eval      rc = docmd('OVRDBF FILE(CTRDVY) +
C                             TOFILE(CGIDEV2/CTRDVY) +
C                             SECURE(*YES)')
On return from docmd, variable rc (return code) contains
  • 0, if the command was executed
  • 1, if the command failed.