FAQ : Frequently Asked Questions
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25. Q:  How can I set up a SPAM filter on my SMTP?

A:  This matter is documented in the iSeries Information Center, in a page carrying the title Authenticating e-mail for local and relay (search for "spam").

What is the problem?
The open relay feature on SMTP servers allows abusers of SMTP to send hundreds unsolicited e-mail to large, indiscriminate distribution lists. The abuser can masquerade the sending address so that it appears that the spam originates from a false address (inside or outside the local mail service). The falsified address hampers your efforts to determine the source of spam.

How do I fix it?

  • Up to V4R5
    You fix it by specifying in a source member what are the IP addresses allowed to use the open relay feature of your SMTP.
    Do the following:
    1. crtsrcpf file(QUSRSYS/QTMSADRLST) ccsid(500)
    2. strseu srcfile(QUSRSYS/QTMSADRLST) srcmbr(ACCEPTRLY)
    3. type a line as follow:
      tcp_address_of your_AS/400
      and exit from SEU
    4. endtcpsvr *smtp
      strtcpsvr *smtp
  • From V5R1 on
    Do the following:
    1. chgsmtpa alwrly(*list)
    2. addsmtple type(*accept) intnetadr('n.n.n.n')
      where n.n.n.n is the IP address of your AS/400
    3. endtcpsvr *smtp
      strtcpsvr *smtp
    Note. If you are coming from V4 and you already used the anti-spam technique, just enter command
          chgsmtpa alwrly(*list)
    and restart SMTP.
    File QUSRSYS/QTMSADRLST is read from SMTP, its records converted to "smtp-list-entries", and the file is deleted. This is why, if you try to enter the above command
          addsmtple type(*accept) intnetadr('n.n.n.n')
    you get the message "duplicate entry".

How can I find out the IP addresses allowed so far?

  • dsppfm qusrsys/qatmadrlst acceptrly
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