About Giovanni's Boats CGI Demo
BOATSCH0 is activated by HTML member
DEMOMENU in source file DEMOHTML
when the following button is pressed
Program flow
The main job of this program is to write the HTML which will be input to
program BOATSCH1 (boat search form), setting up the background color selected by
the web user and other related colors used in the body of the HTML.
- Receive the input string (subprocedure zhbGetInput)
- Parse the input string into program variables (subprocedure zhbGetVar)
- Load skeleton output html member
in CGIDEV2/DEMOHTML (subprocedure GetHtml)
- Get server's protocol
for later html output display (subprocedure getEnv)
- Set html output variables
- for the <FORM> hidden input fields
related to the background color and the national
language desired
- for the HTML <BODY parameters>
and write out html output section top (the first part of the html script)
using subprocedure wrtSection
- The selection list (boat) Type
was designed to be dynamic (generated from a database file).
To provide this, database file
is used. This file is opened the first time this program
runs, and is never closed, in order to provide best
A routine would read the records of this file and for
each record would write section typsltrow
after setting the appropriate output variables.
At the end of the file, it would write section
typsltend which contains the following
part of the html script.
- Last, the program would
- write html section endhtml
(after setting its output variables, including
the response time)
- send the html output buffer (by writing the
pseudo section *fini
- return leaving the LR indicator off,
to provide more performance the next time it is called.
This same technique of generating output HTML with variable
background, links and texts colors is adopted for the other
two programs of this demo, though it is not mentioned
in their program flows.
The html issued by program
contains a
with a button
When the user presses that button, program
(which is mentioned in the
action of the
is invoked.
The following input string is made available to the program:
(the *** stay for the user inputs)
lng=*** &bckgnd=*** &boatnbr=0 &type=*** &maker=*** &units=*** &minlen=*** &maxlen=*** &minpri=*** &maxpri=*** &city=*** &state=*** &country=*** &lstbrd=*** |
Program flow
- Receive the input string (subprocedure zhbGetInput)
- Parse the input string into program variables (subprocedure zhbGetVar)
- Load skeleton output html member
in CGIDEV2/DEMOHTML (subprocedure GetHtml)
- Get server's protocol
for later html output display (subprocedure getEnv)
- Set html output variables
- for the <FORM>s hidden input fields
related to the background color and the national
language desired
- for the HTML <BODY parameters>
- for the user-specified search criteria
and write out html output section top (the first part of the html script)
using subprocedure wrtSection
- If the first time through,
override and open database file
containing the boats catalog.
Note that this file is never closed,
in order to provide the best performance.
- Position the file to the next boat not yet listed
(input field boatnbr
is used for that).
This input field contains 0 when the program is called
through the html output from
BOATSCH0. On the other site, when the program
is called by pressing the button
Show nnn more, this input field contains
the serial number of the last boat listed.
- Read the database file
to find how many boats match the search criteria.
Write the html output section howmany
and, if more than 30 boats matching, the html output session
- Write the html output section tablestr
which defines the start of a html table
- Set again at the starting database record and read through
until maximum 30 boats matching the search criteria
are found.
For each such record, set the variables, and write html output section
tablerow showing boat length, make, type, year built,
price, and city where located.
However, this table row is not that simple,
as it carries information able to activate CGI program
the one that displays boat detailed information
along with images and boat dependent html text.
- It contains a link to program
along with a string that this program should receive in order
to show a single boat. The link, before variable substitution, is
<a href="/cgidev2p/boatsch2.pgm? serno=/%bnbr%/">
will be replaced by the serial number of the boat
- It also contains the following checkbox
<input type="checkbox" name="serno" value="/%bnbr%/">
When the user presses the button
Show these vessels,
(mentioned in the
of the
<form >)
will be invoked and will receive a string
containing both the hidden fields
(such as national language and background color)
and the values of the checkboxes checked-in.
As an example, the input string could be
lng= &bckgnd=white &serno=0008745 &serno=0009784 &serno=0012509
if the user selected three boats.
- When no more matches, or 30 matches found, write html output section
tablend which ends the html table
- If at least one row in the table, write html output section
foundsome containing the submit button
Show these vessels. Please note that the action of this submit button
(call program BOATSCH2) is defined
in the
of the
<form >,
up in the output skeleton html
- If more than 30 matches found, write html output section
showmore which allows to relink to program
BOATSCH1 passing the same values for search criteria
along with the boat number it should start from
- Finally, the program would
- write html section endhtml
(after setting its output variables, including
the response time)
- send the html output buffer (by writing the
pseudo section *fini
- return leaving the LR indicator off,
to provide more performance the next time it is called.
BOATSCH2 is activated by HTML output from program BOATSCH1
when the web user takes one of the following actions
- User decides to display a single boat by clicking
on the link displayed in a table row. In a case like this
the string sent to program BOATSCH2 looks like
- User decides to display more than one boat by clicking
on some table row check buttons, and clicking on the
button Show these vessels. In a case like this
the string sent to program BOATSCH2 looks like
lng= &bckgnd=white &serno=0008745 &serno=0009784 &serno=0012509
Program flow
- Receive the input string (subprocedure zhbGetInput)
- Parse the input string into program variables (subprocedure zhbGetVar)
- Load skeleton output html member
in CGIDEV2/DEMOHTML (subprocedure GetHtml)
- Get server's protocol
for later html output display (subprocedure getEnv)
- Read skeleton output html mbr
in CGIDEV2/DEMOHTML (subprocedure GetHtml)
- If the first time through
override and open database file
containing the boats ordered by boat number.
Note that this file is never closed,
in order to provide the best performance.
- Set html output variables and write out html output section top (html start)
(subprocedure WrtSection)
- For each occurrence of the variable
(boat serial number) in the input string,
perform the following
- Retrieve boat data (GIF, boat length, make, etc.)
chaining corresponding record in file BOATSALE1
- Write output html output section found
which contains the boat data and the boat image
- Provide "boat dependent html text" (features, link to other pictures etc.)
As boat dependent html cannot be in the skeleton html output,
boat dependent html texts are maintained instead in
members of file
CGIDEV2/BOATTXTS. Skeleton output html member
BOATSCH2, on the other way, contains a section
named text with just a single variable, named
This is how the program
moves the boat dependent html into the skeleton html member:
- Overrides file BOATTXTS to the member associated
to the boat serial number
- Opens file BOATTXTS
- reads records; for each record
substitutes variable
and writes section text
- on end-of-file, closes file BOATTXTS
and removes the override
- When all requests processed:
- write html section endhtml
(after setting its output variables, including
the response time)
- send the html output buffer (by writing the
pseudo section *fini
- return leaving the LR indicator off,
to provide more performance the next time it is called.