IBM ILE RPG CGI Tool Set (CGIDEV2) Library
Version 2005-03-10 20:21:21
Mel Rothman, CEO of Mel Rothman, Inc., wrote these tools when he was
an IBM employee in the IBM Custom
Technology Center in Rochester, Minnesota.
Mel continues to enhance and support CGIDEV2 on a voluntary,
as-available basis. Enhancements and fixes are contributed to IBM at
no charge and are distributed by IBM via its Easy400 web site.
IBM is CGIDEV2's owner and copyright holder.
Dr. Giovanni Perotti, IBM Italy, used CGIDEV2 to build the IBM Easy400 site, which contains
CGIDEV2 and many additional tools and tutorials written by him.
All the materials on the Easy400 site are available at no
Copyright notice
Purpose and benefits
Support for CGIDEV2 and other
EASY400 Tools
Sample Programs
The CGISRVPGM2 Service
Modules and their subprocedures
XXXCGIPARS ZhbGetInput, ZhbGetVarCnt,
ZhbGetVar, ZhbGetVarUpper, ZhbGetVarPtr, ZhbCountAllVars,
XXXCGIVARS CgiVarCnt, CgiVarVal,
XXXCOOKIES CrtCookie, GetCookieByName
XXXDATA Char2Hex, Hex2Char, C2N, C2N2,
ChkNbr, xlatWCCSIDs, Uppify
XXXDEBUG IsDebug, SetNoDebug, WrtDebug,
WrtPsds, WrtJobDbg
XXXENVVARS GetEnv, PutEnv, ContLen
XXXERRNO Errno, Errnotxt
XXXHTMLMSG AddMsg, CfgMsgs, ClrMsgs,
XXXTIME TimerStart, TimerElapsed
XXXUSRSPC CrtUsrSpc, RtvUsrSpcPtr
XXXWRKHTML ClrHtmlBuffer, CrtTagOpt,
Encode, Encode2, EncodeBlanks, GetHtml, GetHtmlBytesBuffered,
GetHtmlIfs, GetHtmlIfsMult, RtvHtmlRcd, RtvSubsVarInfo, UpdHtmlVar,
WrtHtmlToStmf, WrtNoSection, WrtSection
Object List
The following applies to each CGIDEV2 library source code member.
This material is provided by IBM for illustrative purposes
only and has not been thoroughly tested under all conditions.
IBM, therefore, cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability,
or function of this material. IBM provides no program services for
this material. All material contained herein is provided to you "AS
IS" without any warranties of any kind. THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF
(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2005
All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights -
Use, duplication, or disclosure restricted
by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
CGIDEV2 provides tools that make it easier to write, test, debug, and
maintain ILE CGI programs.
Two types of tools are included:
Sample programs that can be copied and modified to
create new programs
a service program, CGISRVPGM2, containing powerful
subprocedures that simplify writing CGI programs.
The sample programs:
provide examples of CGI program logic and flow
extensively use the service program's subprocedures, thus providing
examples of their use
Major benefits provided by the service program are:
Make the IBM provided CGI application programming interfaces easy
to use. For example, getting input from the browser is reduced to
one ILE RPG statement.
Enable you to store most output HTML in an IFS stream file or in a
source physical file, thus separating it from the CGI program. At
run time, this "externally defined HTML" is used like a display
The HTML is organized into "named sections," analagous to DDS
record formats.
"Substitution variables" in the HTML data records, analagous
to DDS field names, are replaced at run time with values
specified by the programmer.
As a result, just as with native display files, most display
changes can be made without modifying or recompiling the CGI
Debugging tools
Parsing tools
Data conversion tools
Character entity encoding tools
Data editing and message formatting tools.
Tools that make it easy to store and retrieve CGI program state
information from user spaces.
Timing tools
Tools to execute CL commands, handle CGI persistence, count CGI
page hits, generate random numbers and random strings, and many
CGIDEV2 is distributed without charge from IBM's Easy400 web site.
Access the site for instructional materials, the code itself,
instructions, tutorials, and many more useful tools.
First level support is provided at the Easy400 web site .
Here are a few useful direct links into the site:
Second level support is provided via the Yahoo EASY400
group. owned by Giovanni Perotti and co-moderated by him and
Mel Rothman.
This is the place for EASY400 users to ask and answer questions,
and to share their experiences.
User questions often are answered by searching the group's
If the answer isn't found in the archive, a newly posted
question is frequently answered quickly and accurately by other
users without involving Giovanni or Mel.
Third level support is provided by Dr. Giovanni
Perotti via e-mail at
Fourth level support is provided jointly by Mel
Rothman and Giovanni Perotti when Giovanni deems that Mel's
assistance is required.
Please do not contact Mel directly.
The sample programs are:
TEMPLATE, a CGI program that parses its input with
the QtmhCvtDb API and gets its externally described HTML from a
source physical file.
This is one of the earliest samples and it is not
recommended for new development.
TEMPLATE2, a CGI program, similar to TEMPLATE that
parses its input with RPG subprocedures and gets its externally
described HTML from a source physical file.
This is one of the earliest samples and it is not
recommended for new development.
TEMPLATE3, a CGI program, similar to TEMPLATE that
parses its input with the QzhbCgiParse API and gets its externally
described HTML from a source physical file.
Because it does not read its externally described HTML from the
IFS, it is not recommended for new development.
TEMPLATE4, a CGI program, identical to TEMPLATE3,
except that it gets its externally described HTML from an IFS
stream file.
Because it uses GetHTMLIFS, which supports using only one stream
file and does not return any error information, it is
not recommended for new development.
TEMPLATE5, a CGI program, identical to TEMPLATE4,
except that it gets its externally described HTML from multiple IFS
stream files and is written using free-form
calculations. If you prefer fixed-form calculations, the source for
the fixed-form version of this program is distributed in QRPGLESRC
source member TEMPLATE5F.
This is the best of the five TEMPLATE programs to use as the
basis for new development for free-form aficionados.
TEMPLATE5F, a CGI program (source only, it is not
compiled into a program object), identical to TEMPLATE5, except
that it gets its externally described HTML from multiple IFS stream
files and is written using fixed-form
calculations. If you prefer free-form calculations, the free-form
version of this program is distributed in QRPGLESRC source member
This is the best of the five TEMPLATE programs to use as the
basis for new development or fixed-form aficionados.
PERSIST, a persistent CGI program that gets and
parses its inputs with the zhbGetInput, zhbGetVarCnt, and zhbGetVar
subprocedures and gets its externally described HTML from the IFS
using getHtmlIfsMult.
Persistent CGI should be used only when commitment control is
absolutely necessary.
DSPENCODE2, a CGI program that uses the encode2
subprocedure to display the character entity encoding that
results when the encode2 subprocedure is used with either the
default IFS file or a user specified IFS file. This program is
written using ILE RPG free-form syntax.
STATE, a CGI program that uses the CrtUsrSpc
and RtvUsrSpcPtr subprocedures to save and restore state
information into and from a user space.
It creates its user spaces in a library called CGIDEV2USP. If
the library does not exist, STATE creates it.
It uses the Encode2 subprocedure to convert the special HTML
characters ", &, <, and >, to their corresponding HTML
character entities ", &, <, and
It uses the EncodeBlanks subprocedure to convert blanks to
non-breaking spaces, .
The sample programs extensively use the subprocedures contained in the
CGISRVPGM2 service program.
Because most of the required CGI functions are performed by the
CGISRVPGM2 service program, the mainline sample programs' source
members are compact.
The CGIDEV2's library's source file members are commented to assist
you in understanding their functions. You might want to concentrate on
the following QRPGLESRC members:
TEMPLATE5, which uses the latest and best subprocedures,
PROTOTYPEB, which contains heavily commented prototypes for all the
service program's subprocedures, and ;
finally, the XXX* members, which contain the service program's
Prototypes for CGISRVPGM2's subprocedures are in QRPGLESRC, member
Binding source is in QSRVSRC, member CGISRVPGM2.
Two subprocedures are provided for getting input from the browser:
GetInput and ZhbGetInput.
ZhbGetInput and its related subprocedures are
recommended because they take advantage of the latest and
best IBM APIs, are the easiest to use, and are designed to handle up
to 16 MB of input from the browser.
It is recommended that you not write CGI programs
that expect anywhere near this much input!
The following table describes how ZhbGetInput, GetInput, and their
related subprocedures work, and how parsing is performed for each.
GetInput Subprocedure
ZhbGetInput Subprocedure
How it processes input
GetInput uses the server's QtmhGetEnv and
QtmhRdStin APIs. Upon return, browser input, the request method,
and content length are found in user-specified variables.
The very early versions of the "classic" HTTP server
operated only in %%MIXED%% mode. If you do not use %%MIXED%%
mode (and, you shouldn't), you can skip the following
paragraph that explains how GetInput uses the FixMixed
subprocedure to handle it. You can also skip the "Escape
Sequence Handling" discussion following this table.
GetInput calls the FixMixed
subprocedure, which checks the CGI_MODE environment variable.
FixMixed uses the CGI_EBCDIC_CCSID and
CGI_ASCII_CCSID environment variables to determine the proper
CCSIDs, builds a translation table using the CDRCVRT system
API (Convert a Graphic Character String), and converts any
escaped characters from their ASCII code points to the
corresponding EBCDIC character (if the escape sequence occurs
in a variable's name) or the corresponding EBCDIC escape
sequence (if it occurs in a variable's value). See Escape sequence handling, below. If CGI_MODE
is not %%MIXED%% OR %%MIXED/MIXED%%,
FixMixed does nothing.
ZhbGetInput uses the server's QzhbCgiParse,
QtmhGetEnv, and QtmhPutEnv APIs.
It stores the browser's input in dynamically allocated
structures in the service program, enabling subsequent high
speed retrieval by the subprocedures listed below in this
ZhbGetInput can handle up to 32767 input variable instances
containing large quantities of data (it's internal buffer is
dynamic and can grow up to 16 MB). Each variable can be up to
64000 bytes in length. For variables expected to be between
37268 and 64000 bytes in length, ZhbGetVarPtr must be used.
Otherwise, ZhbGetVar, ZhbGetVarUpper, or ZhbGetVarPtr can be
ZhbGetInput returns the number of unique variable names found
(variables with multiple occurrences count as one).
If the REQUEST_METHOD is POST, the contents of the
QUERY_STRING environment variable are returned in a variable
and the QUERY_STRING environment variable is set to null.
Note: For both the original HTTP Server and the HTTP
Server Powered by Apache, QzhbCgiParse requires that the
CGI_MODE environment variable not be %%MIXED%% of
%%MIXED/MIXED%%. If this condition is not met, a message is
forced into the debugging file and the program continues
until it fails.
Valid parsing subprocedures
CvtDb alone or in combination with CgiVarCnt, CgiVarVal, and
Alternatively, CgiVarCnt, CgiVarVal, and CgiVarValUpper can
be used without CvtDb.
ZhbGetVarCnt, ZhbGetVar, ZhbGetVarUpper, ZhbGetVarPtr,
ZhbCountAllVars, ZhbGetVarDetails
Handling multiple occurrences of the same
The same variable can appear multiple times in a document's
input. Examples include select boxes with the MULTIPLE
attribute and input forms that contain rows of repeating
input variables.
CvtDb cannot handle multiple occurrences.
Use CgiVarCnt to find out how many times the variable occurs.
Then, retrieve each occurrence's value with CgiVarVal or
Use zhbgetvarcnt to find out how many times the variable occurs.
Then, retrieve each occurrence's value with ZhbGetVar,
ZhbGetVarPtr, or ZhbGetVarUpper.
Skip this section if you are not using %%MIXED%% mode. It is
here only because the code is still included for compatibility
reasons. Nobody should be using %%MIXED%% mode!
This section addresses a problem that existed in very early versions
of the HTTP server, when the only CGI_MODE was %%MIXED%% (it didn't
even have a name then).
HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol), requires that requesters
(browsers) send certain characters as 3-character escape sequences
(%HH), where HH is the two hexadecimal characters for the ASCII
For example, a comma is %2C, where 2C is the comma's ASCII code point.
If the CGI_MODE environment variable is %%MIXED%% or %%MIXED/MIXED%%,
the HTTP server does not translate the %2C to %6B, the comma's EBCDIC
code point. When %2C subsequently is converted to an EBCDIC character,
it is not a comma.
The FixMixed subprocedure corrects this problem.
Although FixMixed is not directly referenced by the
sample programs, it can be used if necessary.
This feature allows CGI programs to build dynamic HTML using
externally described data in a manner similar to display file DDS. The
external data, which can be in a stream files or source physical file
members, contains named sections, the equivalent of record formats.
The records within a section, contain substitution variables, which
like DDS variables, are filled in at run time when the section is
The externally described HTML is processed by the service program
subprocedures described below under "Externally
described HTML subprocedures."
Most HTML changes can be made in the stream files or source members
without modifying or recompiling the CGI program.
A section record, which defines where a section begins, starts with a
section delimiter in column 1, followed immediately by the section
name. An optional end section delimiter can follow the section name.
The default section delimiter is /$ without an ending section
delimiter. Different delimiters can be used by passing them as
optional parameters to the GetHtmlIfsMult, GetHtmlIfs, or GetHtml
The default section delimiter was decided upon during the early
development of CGIDEV, CGIDEV2's predecessor. /$ sometimes fails with
CCSIDs (coded character set identifiers) other than those used in the
United States.
Delimiters that make the section record into a valid HTML comment work
much better. For example:
<!-- _top -->
'<!-- _'
as the starting delimiter and
' -->'
as the ending delimiter.
A special section name, noname, is used for any records that appear
before the first section record in the first file.
Substitution variable names are enclosed between two delimiters. The
defaults are /% and %/; different delimiters can be used by passing
them as optional parameters to the GetHtmlIfsMult, GetHtmlIfs, or
GetHtml subprocedures.
Substitution variable values are set with the UpdHtmlVar or
UpdHtmlVar2 subprocedure.
Variable substitution is performed by the WrtSection subprocedure. If
a substitution variable's value has not been set, WrtSection
substitutes either the default string, **Missing Data**, unless
overridden by a string passed via WrtSection's NoDataString parameter.
In the following example, when the HTML in the tablerow section is
written, the string /%days%/ is replaced by the value of the days
field and the string /%hours%/ is replaced by the value of the hours
Note that section names and substitution variable names are
not case-sensitive.
RPG source
callp UpdHtmlVar('DAYS':days)
callp UpdHtmlVar('hours':hours)
callp WrtSection('tablerow')
HTML source
Note that in this example, the default section delimiter, /$, is being
overridden by <AS400>.
</TR> section
GetHtmlIfsMult , GetHtmlIfs , and
GetHtml read and process externally described HTML
from multiple IFS stream files, a single IFS stream file, or a
single source physical file member, respectively. The HTML records
and information about any substitution variables are stored in
dynamically allocated arrays inside the service program.
It is recommended that externally described HTML stream files be
placed in directories not being served or cached by the HTTP
Sample program TEMPLATE4 uses stream file
Sample program TEMPLATE5 uses multiple stream files from the
/CgidevExtHtml directory.
UpdHtmlVar stores substitution variable
information in dynamically allocated arrays in the service
program. If a variable already exists in the arrays, its value
is changed. Otherwise, the variable name and value are added to
the arrays. An optional parameter can be used to clear the
UpdHtmlVar2 works like UpdHtmlVar. However,
while UpdHtmlVar is limited to 1000 bytes of substitution data,
UpdHtmlVar2 supports up to 16 MB of substitution data by passing
a pointer to the data and the data's length.
Encode converts the four most commonly used
special HTML characters, ", & < and >, to their
character entity equivalents: " & < and
>. Use this subprocedure on data being passed to
UpdHtmlVar or UpdHtmlVar2 to ensure that the browser does not
process as HTML, data that is intended for display only.
Encode2 converts a much larger list of
characters to their character entity equivalents. Use this
subprocedure on data being passed to UpdHtmlVar or UpdHtmlVar2
to ensure that the browser does not process as HTML, data that
is intended for display only.
Information about the characters to be encoded and their
character entities is read from an IFS file, either the default,
/cgidevexthtml/encode2Fil.txt, or a file specified when encode2
is called.
EncodeBlanks converts blanks to non-breaking
spaces ( ). Use this subprocedure on data being passed
to UpdHtmlVar when you do not want the browser to convert two or
more consecutive blanks to a single blank. Alternatively, the
<pre> and </pre> tags can be used.
WrtNoSection writes data without using a section
name and without performing variable substitution.
This subprocedure can be used when a large block of data is to
be written. This is more likely to happen when writing
non-textual data such as images.
WrtNoSection's input parameters are the address of the data to be
written and the number of bytes to write.
In order to maximize performance, data are written into a
dynamically allocated buffer and are not sent to standard output
until the user writes the fictitious *fini section.
WrtNoSection does not automatically insert
newline characters.
WrtSection writes one or more HTML sections,
performing variable substitution, as required. In order to maximize
performance, data are written into a dynamically allocated buffer
and are not sent to standard output until the user writes the
fictitious *fini section.
WrtSection automatically appends a newline character (x'15') to
the end of each HTML record unless optional parameter,
nonewline, is specified with a value of *on. This parameter is
useful when binary data are being sent to the client (for
example, when using HTTP tunneling).
WrtHtmlToStmf sends all buffered HTML output to a
stream file instead of to standard output.
This subprocedure is designed for use in non-CGI programs. If
used in CGI programs, the programs will fail.
WrtHtmlToStmf is useful for producing static pages that change
from time to time (minutes, hours, days, etc.). Periodically
recreating static pages for repeated serving performs much
better than running a similar CGI program for each request. In
addition, static pages can be cached by the HTTP server.
For an example, see program RANDOMNBR in QRPGLESRC.
ClrHtmlBuffer clears any HTML output that has
been buffered but has neither been sent to the browser nor
written into a stream file.
It is a good idea to call ClrHtmlBuffer in each CGI program
before any uses of WrtSection or WrtNoSection. This practice
prevents sending to the browser any buffered HTML from a
previous, abnormally ended use of the program.
GetHtmlBytesBuffered returns the number of
bytes that have been buffered but have neither been sent to the
browser nor written into a stream file.
CrtTagOpt creates a fully formatted HTML
<OPTION> tag.
RtvHtmlRcd retrieves a record's contents from
the externally described HTML.
Inputs are the section name (or *NONE) and a relative record
If a section name is specified, the relative record number is
its position within the section.
If the section name is *NONE, the relative record number is its
position among all the records, regardless of its section.
A return code indicates whether the record was found, and if
not, why not.
"Why not" reasons include record not found (out of range),
section not found, and record part of a duplicate, and therefore
ignored, section.
RtvHtmlRcd can be used to analyze your HTML, to produce reports
about it, and to implement various automated tools.
RtvSubsVarInfo retrieves information about
substitution variables in your externally described HTML.
Inputs are the section name (or *NONE) and a sequence number.
If a section name is specified, the sequence number is the
substitution variable's position within the section.
If the section name is *NONE, the sequence number is its
position among all sections.
A return code indicates whether the record was found, and if
not, why not.
"Why not" reasons include sequence number out of range and
section not found.
An output data structure parameter is used to return the
substitution variable's name, length of its name, its section's
name, and the starting position in the HTML record where it was
Source record length
For GetHtmlIfs and GetHtmlIfsMult: About 32765 bytes per
line; for GetHtml: 240 bytes (228 bytes for source data)
Total number of records. This is not a "per file" number. If
GetHtmlIfsMult is used, the sum of the records read from all
files may not exceed this number.
Number of unique substitution variables (each may appear
multiple times in the source)
Number of occurrences of substitution variables in the
externally described HTML
As many as will fit in 32767 HTML records as long as there
are no more than 32767 unique substitution variable names.
Substitution variable name length
30 characters
Substitution variable value
1000 characters
Substitution variables' delimiter's length
20 characters
Number of sections
Section name length
50 characters
Section name delimiters' length
10 characters
Number of bytes of HTML that can be buffered before writing
to the browser or a stream file
Approximately 2 terrabytes. This many bytes will take a very
long time to process. It is recommended that you not try to
test it.
When errors are found in the user's input, it is often necessary to
send one or more messages to the browser. Formatting and outputting
such messages can be tedious, repetitive, and error-prone.
WrtMsgs sends to the browser all the messages
previously placed into a set of arrays stored in the service
The messages are written to the browser using sections of
externally described HTML.
A standard set of sections is provided in IFS files
/CgidevExtHtml/Talk2Ifs.Html and /CgidevExtHtml/Talk2Stuff.Html,
and in the sample HTMLSRC file member, TALK2.
Sample ILE RPG message formatting code is in QRPGLESRC file
AddMsg adds a message's text and formatting
level (1, 2, or 3) to the service program's arrays.
GetMsgCnt returns the number of messages
currently stored in the arrays and can be used to condition
calling WrtMsgs.
ClrMsgs clears the messages stored in the
arrays and sets their count to zero.
CfgMsgs optionally overrides the default
externally described HTML names used by WrtMsgs:
message text field name (msgtxt),
starting section name (msgstart),
level 1 section name (msgl1),
level 2 section name (msgl2),
level 3 section name (msgl3),
ending section name (msgend).
GetEnv returns the value of a user-specified
environment variable. It uses the HTTP server's QtmhGetEnv API.
PutEnv creates or changes an environment
variable. It uses the HTTP server's QtmhPutEnv API.
ContLen returns the integer value of the
CONTENT_LENGTH environment variable.
The debugging subprocedures use physical file CGIDEBUG, which has two
fields: a time stamp and a 500 byte text field.
IsDebug returns a value to indicate whether
debugging is on ('1') or off ('0').
SetNoDebug accepts an indicator variable. *on
turns all debugging off; *off, allows debugging to operate
normally, including the honoring of forced debugging output
Normally, CGIDEV2 programs spend considerable time in the
debugging routines. Running subprocedure SetNoDebug *On can
significantly reduce this overhead and improve
performance at the cost of losing all debugging output.
Note that SetNoDebug sets a global variable in the service
program. If multiple CGI programs are running in the same named
activation group, all those programs are affected in the same
way by the most recent execution of SetNoDebug.
WrtDebug writes into the debugging physical
file, CGIDEBUG, the text passed to it as a parameter. WrtDebug
is used by several of the service program's subprocedures. You
can use it, as desired. No output is generated unless debugging
output has been turned on by the CGIDEBUG *ON command, or the
optional parameter, force, has been set to *on.
WrtJobDbg writes the qualified job name, into
the debugging file.
WrtPsds receives the program status data area
and unconditionally writes it in a formatted manner into the
debugging file.
The sample programs and the service program, use a program status data
structure template and a program status subroutine to trap and report
program status errors. They:
Use two HTML sections, top and pssr, to inform the user that an
error has occurred. You can modify the contents of these
sections to meet your needs.
Call a special debugging procedure, WrtPsds,
that unconditionally formats and writes the contents of the
program status data structure into the debugging file, CGIDEBUG.
Other error handling subprocedures
The Countp subprocedure keeps track of counts (e.g. page
hits) using a keyed physical file, CGICOUNT. A key (page name, program
name, etc.) is passed to Countp. It adds one to the existing count for
that key and returns the updated counter. If the key doesn't exist, a
record with its count initialized to 1 is added to the file and 1 is
returned to the caller.
Char2Hex converts a character string to its
hexadecimal representation
Hex2Char converts a character string in
hexadecimal format to its character representation
ChkNbr accepts a character string and an optional
parameter specifying the maximum number of digits to the left of
the decimal point.
Additional optional parameters are available to request that any
errors found should be formatted as messages and added to the
service program's message arrays, the text that should be used
to describe the field in the messages, and whether a message
should be sent if the field's value is less than zero.
ChkNbr returns a structure containing seven indicators. The
indicators and their meaning when *on are:
One or more errors occurred. This indicator is set on only if
one or more of indicators 2 through 6 is set on. It is
not set on when only indicator 7 (value is
negative) is on.
Non-numeric characters (includes minus sign in wrong place)
Multiple decimal points
Multiple minus signs (both leading and trailing)
Zero length input or no numeric characters
Any of the following:
More than 21 digits to the left of the decimal point
More than 9 digits to the right of the decimal point
More digits to the left of the decimal point than
specified in the maximum number of digits parameter
Value is less than 0. This indicator is used only to cause a
message to be sent. It does not cause
indicator 1 to be set on.
C2N2 converts a character string to a packed 30,9
It is recommended that you check the string with ChkNbr before
calling C2N2.
C2N2 performs more than 10 times faster than C2N and has none of
C2N's floating point precision problems. Therefore, it is
recommended that you use C2N2 instead of C2N.
C2N (old, NOT recommended) converts a character
string to a floating point number.
It is recommended that you check the string with ChkNbr before
calling C2N.
Because floating point numbers often have precision problems, it
is recommended that you use C2N2, which returns a packed 30,9
number and performs more than 10 times faster.
xlatWCCSIDs uses CCSIDs to translate varying
length strings up to 32767 characters in length.
If optional parameters fromCCSID and toCCSID are specified, they
are used for the translation and the toebcdic parameter is
Otherwise, translation between ASCII and EBCDIC is performed
using the CCSIDs found in the CGI_EBCDIC_CCSID and
CGI_ASCII_CCSID environment variables with the direction of
translation determined by the toebcdic parameter: *ON = ASCII to
Uppify converts all the characters in a string to
upper case.
GetSessionId returns a 15-character string
comprising the six characters of the job number followed by 9
random digits. This string can be used as the value passed with the
Accept-HTSession header when programming persistent CGIs.
DoCmd uses QCMDEXC to execute a user-specified CL
random returns a random integer between two
user-specified integers.
randomString returns a random string built in
accordance with caller specified rules.
the HTTP protocol used by browsers and web servers is stateless
(that is, the browser connects to the server, makes a request,
receives the response, then disconnects from the server), and
many complex transactions use multiple interactions with the
browser in which
state (intermediate data) needs to be stored somewhere, and
the server is the best place to store state (because of security
and/or performance reasons), and
there is no way, other than persistent CGI (which has its own
problems) to guarantee that the browser will return to the same
server instance for each subsequent interaction
methods for storing and retrieving state information are required.
iSeries user spaces objects are ideal for this purpose:
Each user space can hold up to 16 MB of information
System APIs are provided to create a user space, change its
attributes (including making it automatically extendible), retrieve
a pointer to it, etc.
Once addressability to a user space (a pointer) has been
established, based variables (including data structures) can be
used to read and write its contents.
Saving and restoring user state information can be accomplished as
at the start of the transaction, create a uniquely named user
use based variable(s) to map the user's data into the space,
send an HTTP response to the user, including a hidden field
containing the user space name,
when the user makes a request using the form that contains
the hidden user space name, use that name to retrieve a
pointer to the user space, thus restoring addressability to
the user space's contents using the same based variables that
were used to store them.
Sample program CGIDEV2/STATE is a simple example of this technique.
CrtUsrSpc creates a new user space:
the user space is created in the library specified by the
either defaults or user specified values are used for public
authority, text, initial size, and extended attribute
the user space's randomly generated name is returned as the
subprocedure's value
a pointer to the user space is returned in a parameter,
a 7 character message ID is returned as a parameter. It
contains blanks if no errors occurred; otherwise it contains
a message ID.
RtvUsrSpcPtr retrieves a pointer to an existing
user space:
using a caller specified qualified user space name
if successful, returns a valid pointer
otherwise, returns a null pointer
ChkIfsObj2 checks for the existence of and access
to an IFS object and optionally returns its type, size, and error
This subprocedure's name is ChkIfsObj2 in order to
distinguish it from Giovanni Perotti's IFSTOOL's ChkIfsObj
To be accessible, the user needs *X authority to all the
directories in the object's path. No authority to the object
is required.
Returns an indicator: *on if the object exists and is
accessible; otherwise, *off.
Input parameter is the full path to the file
Output parameters (all optional with options(****NOPASS))are:
the object's type
the object's size in bytes
C's errno value
The text associated with C's errno value.
The following table lists the source members that comprise CGISRVPGM2.
Brief descriptions of each member's subprocedures are included.
Subprocedures that use IBM's new-in-V4R3M0 QzhbCgiParse API for
getting and parsing input from the browser. Examples of these
subprocedures appear in the TEMPLATE3, TEMPLATE4, TEMPLATE5,
DSPENCODE2, PERSIST, and STATE sample programs.
It is recommended that these subprocedures be used for
getting and parsing browser input.
Uses the QzhbCgiParse API to get the browser's input and
place it into a set of dynamically allocated internal
arrays for subsequent high performance use by the
ZhbGetVar, ZhbGetVarUpper, ZhbGetVarPtr, and ZhbGetVarCnt
ZhbGetInput must have been run before using any of the
remaining subprocedures, below.
Returns the number of times a variable appears in the
browser's input.
Returns the value of a variable's nth occurrence in the
browser's input.
ZhbGetVarPtr provides a way to process browser inputs that
exceed ZhbGetVar's maximum size of 32767 bytes. It returns
a pointer to the variable's nth occurrence in the
browser's input. A output parameter contains the
variable's size in bytes. The data can then be processed
with based variables.
Same as ZhbGetVar, but converts the data to upper case.
Returns number of occurrences of all variables in the CGI
input. ZhbGetInput must have been run before calling this
Returns detailed information for the nth variable of all
variables counted by ZhbCountAllVars. Returns the
variable's name, value, and occurrence.
Parsing subprocedures that were written before QzhbCgiParse
became available in V4R3M0. Examples of these subprocedures
appear in sample programs TEMPLATE, TEMPLATE2, and TEMPLATE3.
For getting and parsing browser input, it is
recommended that you use ZhbGetInput and its related
subprocedures rather than these subprocedures .
Returns the number of times a cgi variable's name appears
in the browser's input.
Returns the value of the nth occurrence of a cgi variable
in the browser's input.
Same as CgiVarVal, but converts the data to upper case.
Subprocedures for writing and reading HTTP cookies.
Builds and creates a standard HTTP set-cookie response
header in the form:
Set-Cookie: NAME=VALUE; expires=DATE; path=PATH;
domain=DOMAIN_NAME; secure
The user can specify the cookie's name, value, path,
domain, whether it is secure, and when it expires in time
stamp format. If an expiration time stamp is specified,
CrtCookie converts it to the form required by the cookie
Returns the value of a cookie having a specified name.
Since a cookie's name can occur more than once, the user
can specify which occurrence is wanted. If the occurrence
does not exist, GetCookieByName returns a null string.
General-purpose counting routine for keeping track of and
reporting the number of times a specified function has
been performed.
Uses database file CGICOUNT. Input is a string used as
CGICOUNT's key. Output is the incremented count
associated with that key.
A simplified interface to the HTTP server's QtmhCvtDb
It is recommended that ZhbGetInput and its
related subprocedures be used instead of Cvtdb.
Subprocedures for manipulating data.
Converts a character string to its hexadecimal
representation. For example: ABC is converted to C1C2C3.
Converts a hexadecimal character string to its character
representation. For example: C1C2C3 is converted to ABC.
C2N2 (preferred)
Converts a character string to a packed 30.9 number.
Call subprocedure ChkNbr to validate the string before
calling C2N2.
C2N (old, not preferred)
Converts a character string to a floating point
Call subprocedure ChkNbr to validate the string before
calling C2N.
Because floating point numbers often have precision
problems, it is recommended that C2N2, which returns a
packed result and runs faster, be used instead of C2N.
Checks a character string to determine whether it can be
converted to a number.
When errors are found and the appropriate optional
parameters have been used, ChkNbr adds messages to the
service program's message arrays.
Uses CCSIDS to translate varying length strings up to
32767 characters in length
Converts a character string to upper case.
Subprocedures for working with the debugging file, CGIDEBUG.
Returns a one-character value indicating whether debugging
is on ('1') or off ('0').
Debugging is controlled by CGIDEV2's CGIDEBUG command.
Sets a global indicator variable in the service program
that controls whether the debugging subprocedures do
any work.
Because SetNoDebug sets a global
variable in the service program, all CGI programs running
in the same activation group are affected in the same way
by the most recent execution of SetNoDebug.
Setting the indicator on significantly
improves performance, but results in no
debugging output being produced by any of the activation
groups programs.
It is recommended that SetNoDebug(*on) be used only when
all the CGI programs in an activation group have been
tested thoroughly and performance is of utmost importance.
If debugging is on or the force parameter is set to *on,
writes its input into the CGIDEBUG file.
Uses WrtDebug with the force option to writes into the
CGIDEBUG file, the program status information passed to it
as input.
If debugging is on or the force parameter is set to *on,
writes the qualified job name into the CGIDEBUG file.
In addition to the debugging procedures described above, the
CGIDEBUG command is used to:
turn debugging on or off,
display debugging status,
display or clear the CGIDEBUG file's member
Accepts a command string and returns a return code. Uses
QCMDEXC to execute the command and returns 0 (okay) or 1
Subprocedures for working with environment variables
Accepts an environment variable name and the
system-standard error data structure and returns the
environment variable's value.
Accepts a string that defines an environment variable and
the system-standard error data structure. Creates or
updates the environment variable.
Returns the content length environment variable's contents
as a 4-byte signed integer.
Returns C's errno environment variable as an integer
Accepts a C Errno as a 4 byte integer and returns the
associated error text
Used by the GetInput subprocedure to convert ASCII escape
sequences to EBCDIC escape sequences if the CGI_MODE
environment variable is %%MIXED%% OR %%MIXED/MIXED%%.
It should not be necessary to call FixMixed directly and
ZhbGetInput should be used instead of GetInput.
Adds a message and its indentation level to the messaging
arrays stored in the service program.
Clears the messaging arrays and sets their count to 0.
Overrides the default names used by WrtMsgs when sending
message data to the browser.
The default names are msgtext (field name for the message
text), msgstart (section name for start of messages),
msgl1 (section name for level one messages), msgl2
(section name for level 2 messages), msgl3 (section name
for level 3 messages), and msgend (section name for end of
Returns the number of messages currently stored in the
message arrays.
Writes the messages from the message arrays to the
browser, using the variable and section names noted in the
discussion of CfgMsgs, above.
Checks for the existence of and accessibility to an IFS
Receives and returns the browser's input data, the number
of bytes received, and the request method used. Uses the
server's QtmhGetEnv and QtmhRdStin APIs.
It is recommended that the newer and more powerful
ZhbGetInput be used instead of GetInput.
retrieves the REQUEST_METHOD environment variable.
if GET, the QUERY_STRING environment variable's
contents are placed into the input data buffer
if POST, the CONTENT_LENGTH environment variable is
retrieved, content_length bytes are read from
standard input, and those bytes are placed into the
input data buffer
The number of bytes received and request method are
returned as variables.
Builds a session id that can be used with the
Accept-HTSession response header for achieving CGI
persistence. The session id comprises the 6-digit job
number concatenated with up to 9 random digits.
It is recommended that persistent CGI be used
only when commitment control is required.
Otherwise, there are fewer problems and better performance
with non-persistent CGI. CGIDEV2's CrtUsrSpc and
RtvUsrSpcPtr subprocedures greatly simplify the tasks of
storing and retrieving state information across multiple
interactions with a user.
Returns a 4-byte unsigned integer (up to 10 digits,
maximum value of 2147483646) whose value lies between the
two values passed as inputs. The minimum input value is 1;
the maximum input value is 2147483646.
Returns a varying length random string up to 1024 bytes in
length formatted as requested by the user. The caller
specifies the following parameters (only the first is
the number of characters to return
the format (upper case, lower case, mixed case, with
or without digits) of the first character
the format of the remaining characters
what characters are considered to be upper case
what characters are considered to be lower case
what characters are considered to be digits
Stores the current software timer's value in the
CGISRVPGM2 service program.
Returns the number of seconds that have elapsed since the
last call to TimerStart. If TimerStart has not been run,
TimerElapsed runs TimerStart and returns zero. Otherwise,
it does NOT reset the timer start value.
Creates a user space in a caller specified library. The
user space name, which is the subprocedure's return value,
is randomly generated. Makes the user space automatically
Defaults or user specified values are used for public
authority, text, initial size and extended attributes.
Returns in parameters the user space's pointer and a 7
character message ID (blank if no errors; otherwise a
message ID).
Returns a pointer to an existing user space. If the user
space or its library cannot be found, a null pointer is
Clears the HTML output buffer.
This is useful
when program logic dictates that you need to output
something other than what has already been buffered
to ensure at the beginning of your program that the
buffer contains no data from a previous, abnormally
ended program execution
Outputting selection lists can be difficult with
externally described HTML when the <OPTION> tag to
receive the SELECTED attribute varies depending on the
value of data fields in the CGI program.
The CrtTagOpt subprocedure makes this easier.
CrtTagOpt's inputs are: an <OPTION> tag's value
attribute and the associated text. If the optional
third parameter is passed, and it matches the first
parameter, the SELECT attribute is added to the
formatted <OPTION> tag.
CrtTagOpt's output is a fully formatted <OPTION>
For example:
CrtTagOpt('AZ':Arizona) returns <option
CrtTagOpt('AZ':Arizona:'AZ') returns <option
value="AZ" SELECTED>Arizona</option>
CrtTagOpt('AZ':Arizona:'MN') returns <option
Sometimes it is necessary to display HTML tags as data,
without having the browser process them as active HTML.
The Encode subprocedure converts a varying length input
field to a varying length return value, in which any
occurrences of the special HTML characters " & <
or > are converted to their corresponding HTML
character entities, " & < and
The Encode2 subprocedure, similar to Encode, converts a
varying length input field to a varying length return
value, in which any occurrences of the special HTML
characters are converted to their corresponding HTML
character entities. Encode2 retrieves the list of
characters and related character entities from an IFS
file. For more details, see the encode2 prototype in
Sometimes it is necessary to display multiple consecutive
blanks without having the browser convert them to a single
The EncodeBlanks subprocedure converts a varying length
input field to a varying length return value, in which
any occurrences of the blank character is converted to
a non-breaking space, .
GetHtml retrieves and formats externally described HTML
from a source physical file.
It is recommended that GetHtmlIfs or
GetHtmlIfsMult be used instead. See, "GetHtmlIfs and
GetHtmlIfsMult," below, for more information.
GetHtml accepts the source physical file's name, library
name, and member name.
An optional parameter can be passed to override the
default starting section delimiter from /$ to a
delimiter of your choice (e.g. <AS400>).
An optional parameter can be passed to add an ending
section delimiter (e.g. </AS400>).
Optional parameters can be passed to override the
default delimiters for variable names from /% and %/
(e.g. <var> and </var>).
GetHtml reads the file and builds internal arrays that
are used later to send HTML sections, including
variable substitutions, to the browser.
To enhance performance, if the CGI program is
persistent or is running in a named activation group,
the source physical file is not reread if its time
stamp has not changed from when it was last read.
Returns the number of bytes of HTML buffered but not yet
sent to the browser nor written into a stream file. This
count is reset to 0 when the data are output, either to
the browser with WrtSection('*fini') or to a stream file
with WrtHtmlToStmF.
The maximum number of bytes that can be buffered is
approximately 2 terrabytes.
GetHtmlIfs and GetHtmlIfsMult
These subprocedures retrieve and format externally
described HTML from IFS stream files.
GetHtmlIfs is the older subprocedure and can access only
one stream file.
GetHtmlIfsMult is newer, and can access one or more
stream files. In addition, GetHtmlIfsMult returns a data
structure of indicators that tells you whether it was
successful, and if not, why.
Storing externally described HTML in the IFS has the
following advantages:
There is no real limit to the length of a line
By mapping the IFS to a PC's drive letter, you can
easily use HTML editing and/or generating tools
GetHtmlIfsMult allows multiple IFS stream files to
be read as if they are one. Therefore, common HTML
can be stored in one or more files, and HTML for a
particular file can be stored in its own file. At
run time, all the files are read and processed as
Accepts the name of an IFS stream file that contains
externally described HTML.
Optional parameters for overriding the default
delimiters for section names and variable names are the
same as those for GetHtml.
GetHtmlIfs reads the file and builds internal arrays
the are used later to send HTML sections, including
variable substitutions, to the browser.
To enhance performance, if the CGI program is
persistent or is running in a named activation group,
the stream file is not reread if its last changed time
stamp has not changed from when it was last read.
Accepts the names of one or more IFS stream files that
contain externally described HTML. The files are read in
the order specified and are processed as if they comprised
one file.
This subprocedure is useful when multiple CGI programs
build similar pages that contain common headings, menu
bars, navigation bars, footings, etc. The common HTML
can be stored in one or more externally described HTML
files, and each CGI program's unique HTML can be stored
in its own file. Each CGI program uses GetHtmlIfsMult
to read the common file(s) and its own file.
Optional parameters for overriding the default
delimiters for section names and variable names are the
same as those for GetHtml.
GetHtmlIfsMult reads the files and builds internal
arrays the are used later to send HTML sections,
including variable substitutions, to the browser.
To enhance performance, if the CGI program is
persistent or is running in a named activation group,
the stream files are not reread if all of the files'
last changed time stamps have not changed from when
they were last read.
Retrieves a single record by relative record number from
the externally described HTML.
Input parameters are section name (or *NONE) and a
relative record number.
If a section name is specified, the relative record
number is within the section.
If the section name *NONE is specified, the relative
record number is within all the HTML.
Retrieves information about substitution variables from
the externally described HTML.
Input parameters are section name (or *NONE) and a
sequence number.
If a section name is specified, the sequence number
refers to the variable's relative position in the
If the section name *NONE is specified, the sequence
number is relative to all the HTML.
Adds or updates variable names and values stored in
dynamically allocated arrays in the service program. An
optional parameter is used to initialize the arrays.
These arrays are used to perform variable substitutions
when HTML sections are written.
Works like UpdHtmlVar but passes a pointer and a length
to enable up to 16 MB of substitution data.
Writes, then clears, the contents of the service
program's high performance, dynamically allocated HTML
buffer into a user-designated stream file.
To minimize the time during which an existing file
would be unavailable, WrtHtmlToStmf
Creates a temporary file and writes the HTML into it
Unlinks the target file if it exists
Links the target name to the temporary file
Unlinks the temporary file name.
If anyone is using the original file, the system defers
the unlink activity until the last user finishes using
it. Then, since the file has no links, the system
deletes it.
Writes data, without using sections or performing
variable substitution, to a high performance,
dynamically allocated buffer in the service program.
The buffer is emptied and sent to the browser when the
special section named *fini is written. Alternatively,
the WrtHtmlToStmf subprocedure can be used instead of
WrtSection(*fini) to empty the buffer's and write its
contents into a user-designated stream file.
Writes one or more sections of HTML to a high
performance, dynamically allocated buffer in the
service program. The buffer is emptied and sent to the
browser when the special section named *fini is
written. Alternatively, the WrtHtmlToStmf subprocedure
can be used instead of WrtSection(*fini) to empty the
buffer's and write its contents into a user-designated
stream file. WrtSection's nonewline parameter can be
specified to force it not to append a
newline character (x'15') to each HTML record.
This is a brief description of the objects that comprise the ILE RPG
sample programs, their source, and related tools and files.
Programs and commands
CGIDEBUG command, CGIDEBUG program, and CGIDEBUG data area;
CLRDEBUG program.
The CGIDEBUG command controls the built-in debugging facilities
(*ON *OFF *DSP *DSPDATA *CLRDATA). Program CLRDEBUG is used by
CGIDEBUG to delete all records from the target debugging file when
a file lock prevents CLRPFM from clearing it.
CGISRVPGM2 service program
Performs most of work done by its calling CGI programs. Many of its
tools can also be used by non-CGI programs.
DSPENCODE2 program
CGI program that displays character entity data from files used by
the encode2 subprocedure.
DSPVERSION program; VERSION data area
CGI program that displays CGIDEV2's current version
PERSIST program
Sample persistent CGI program.
RANDOMNBRS program and command
Sample non-CGI program and command that demonstrates how to create
an HTML stream file using externally described HTML and CGIDEV2
subprocedures. This is useful for information that is updated
periodically but remains static between updates. This technique
avoids the performance costs of running a CGI program every time
the information is requested. It uses HTMLSRC source physical file
member RANDOMNBRS. To use this demonstration program, run the
command from the command line or from a batch program to create a
stream file in a directory served by your server. Then use a
browser to display the stream file. Then repeat and observe the
updated static page.
RMVSRCRCDS non-CGI program and command.
The RMVSRCRCDS command removes specified records from a source file
member. The command processing CL program is RMVSRCRCDS. It calls
RPG program RMVSRCRPG. Use the RMVSRCRCDS command to remove
comments and/or code from copies of sample programs in order to use
them as starting points for new programs.
STATE program
Sample non-persistent CGI program that uses a user space to save
and restore state information.
Sample non-persistent CGI programs. TEMPLATE5 is the preferred
sample because it uses the latest, most functional, and best
performing CGIDEV2 subprocedures and underlying IBM CGI programming
Source physical files
Member names and contents can be found in the source files themselves.
members starting with XXX are components of the CGISRVPGM2
service program.
member PROTOTYPEB contains the prototypes required by
programs using the CGISRVPGM2 service program.
member USEC contains a modified version of IBM's QUSEC
standard error data structure
QSRVSRC (Binding source file)
Member CGISRVPGM2 contains binding language source for creating
service program CGISRVPGM2. If you need to recreate this service
program, use the following command:
member CGIDEV2, this file in HTML format
member CHANGES, list of changes to CGIDEV2
Data files
File used by Countp subprocedure (general purpose counter).
Externally described data structure used by the TEMPLATE program.
Hours of operations file used by sample programs TEMPLATE,
Debugging data file used to receive internally generated debugging
output from CGIDEV2's subprocedures as well as output from your
programs using the WrtDebug, WrtPSDS, and WrtJobDbg subprocedures.
Other objects
Contains references to service programs QHTTPSVR/QZHBCGI and
CGIDEV2/CGISRVPGM2. This binding directory is referenced in RPG
source member HSPECSBND, which is copied into most of CGIDEV2's
programs and programs you may derive from them.
Contains the current version's date and time. Used to determine
whether you have the latest version. CGI program DSPVERSION can be
used to display the data area's contents.
Useful PDM User-Defined Options
Work with HTTP server's jobs (change JOB parameter to your
server's name)
Work with binding directory entries (cursor on a binding
directory object)
Create program (named activation group same as program name. Use
F4 to prompt for a different activation group name.)
Create program (new activation group)
Create bound RPG program using directives in the H-Specs
Start debugger
End debugger
Create an ILE-CL Module
Create an ILE RPG Module
Start a REXX procedure