
HTML basics - Part 1
Font, Basefont

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Basic tags

FONT - Font style and size

Appearance: <FONT>.....</FONT>
Attributes: FACE="comma-separated list of font names to be searched for preference"
SIZE=This attribute sets the size of the font. possible values are:
   - An integer between 1 and 7
   - A relative increase in font size. The value "+1" means one size larger. The value "-3" means three sizes smaller.
COLOR="color_name or RGB_value". See here for color names and RGB values.
<font face="Verdana,Helvetica,Arial" size=3 color=red>Sample font</font>
Sample font

BASEFONT - basic font size

Appearance: <BASEFONT>.....</BASEFONT>
Attributes: SIZE=pixel
Sets the default font size. If missing, size=3.
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